Chesterfield Bowling Club's awards night

Chesterfield Bowling Club's presentation of awards.Chesterfield Bowling Club's presentation of awards.
Chesterfield Bowling Club's presentation of awards.
Chesterfield Bowling Club held its annual dinner and awards night at the Proact Stadium which was attended by the Mayor of Chesterfield, Cllr Maureen Davenport, bowling club president Bob Meakin and around 100 members and guests.

Winner of the Mayor’s Charity Cup was Geoff Mitchell. The Singles Handicap was won by Ben Stubbins and the Doubles Handicap winners were Gerald Furness and Keith Alexander. The Derbyshire Times Trophy was won by Ben Stubbins.

Other competition winners were:- Steve Walmsley (J H Reaney Competition and Harold Kirk Memorial Trophy), Gary Simonson (Walter Burrows Competition), John Shackleton (Etherington Handicap and Past Presidents Trophy), Brian Buck and Steve Walmsley (Reginald Kirk Memorial Trophy), Bill Webster, John Cheetham and David Howes (Co-op Cup Trophy), Bob Meakin, Tim Stubbins and David Price (Frank Clifford Shield 21 Ends Competition).

The winner of the Arthur Clarke Indoor Bowls Cup, was Brian Buck.

After-dinner entertainment was provided by comedian Lea Roberts.

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