Help us find our Italian restaurant of the year!

Who gets your vote?Who gets your vote?
Who gets your vote?
We are on the hunt for the best Italian Restaurant of 2018 - and we need YOUR help.

A pasta or a pizza? Spaghetti or penne? Pepperoni or anchovy?We all love to sit down to an Italian meal and, with thousands of Italian restaurants in the UK, we all have our favourite

Now we want you to tell us which local restaurant gets your vote.

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It could be because of the fresh and innovative cuisine, traditional-style dishes, select and exclusive dishes you can find in only the restaurant you use.

Perhaps you love the friendly staff, the traditional style or the outrageous décor of the restaurant?

Maybe it’s so much more than a place you go to for a pizza or a pasta? We have drawn up a shortlist of restaurants and eateries that will compete for the title of Italian Restaurant of the Year 2018.