Volunteers needed to support families

Homestart Erewash funding under review. Cylia Dyson, Jo Hallam and Paul Moran.Homestart Erewash funding under review. Cylia Dyson, Jo Hallam and Paul Moran.
Homestart Erewash funding under review. Cylia Dyson, Jo Hallam and Paul Moran.
A vital family support service based in Ilkeston is urgently looking for volunteers to support families across the Erewash borough.

Home-Start Erewash, who have supported thousands of families since it was founded in 1989, require parents and grandparents to help provide a befriending service to support those families with children experiencing difficulties.

Six sessions of preparatory courses for new volunteers will be running between Ferbuary 25 and April 1 with interviews taking place next week.

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Volunteers of all ages and backgrounds will be able to offer their time with the only stipulation being parenting experience.

Jo Hallam, from Home-Start Erewash explained: “We need volunteers of all ages and backgrounds and the only stipulation is that they have had parenting experience themselves.

“They don’t need any specific qualifications, but they do need the ability to listen with understanding, to maintain confidentiality and bring with them commitment both to the scheme and to the families they visit.”

To read more about what the role involves, and an interview with two of their existing volunteers buy next week’s ‘Tiser.