Members of Chesterfield Co-op Choral Society proudly display a trophy. Do you recognise anyone in the photo?Members of Chesterfield Co-op Choral Society proudly display a trophy. Do you recognise anyone in the photo?
Members of Chesterfield Co-op Choral Society proudly display a trophy. Do you recognise anyone in the photo?

These 9 photos will whisk you back to Chesterfield in the 1970s

The Seventies were one of the most dramatic decades in Derbyshire in living memory.

Two big stories propelled the north of the county into the national spotlight.

Eighteen coal miners lost their lives in a cage accident at Markham pit in 1973.

Four years later, escaped prisoner Billy Hughes murdered four members of a family at Eastmoor, near Ashover, after holding them hostage.

Nearly half a century ago there were strikes by miners and firemen and schools and offices were open for just three days to conserve fuel sources.

But amid all the upset and upheaval, there were rays of sunshine as these Seventies photos from our archives show.

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