Derbyshire man charged with theft of peregrine falcon eggs from local quarry

A man has been charged with disturbing the nest of a Peregrine falconA man has been charged with disturbing the nest of a Peregrine falcon
A man has been charged with disturbing the nest of a Peregrine falcon
A Derbyshire man has been charged over the theft of birds-of-prey eggs from local quarry.

Officers arrested a man after receiving reports that eggs had been removed from a peregrine falcon nest at Bolsover Moor Quarry.

Christopher Wheeldon, of Lime Grove in Darley Dale, has been charged with two rural crime offences: disturbing the nesting site of a wild bird and taking the eggs of a wild bird.

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The 34 year old has been released on bail and is due to appear in court on October 16th.

Wild birds have certain protections and it is illegal to kill, injure or take any wild bird; take, damage or destroy the nest of a wild bird; take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while that nest is in use or being built or to

take or destroy an egg of any wild bird. The penalties, if convicted, are imprisonment and/or a fine