Husband gets community order after attacking pregnant wife

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A husband who attacked his pregnant wife while she was holding their 13-month-old baby has been given a community order.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Wednesday, August 24, how Bradley Haines, 26, formerly of Broughton Close, Riddings, Alfreton, grabbed his wife’s hair to stop her cutting his clothes and grabbed her again as she was holding their baby son.

Prosecuting solicitor Rod Chapman told a previous hearing the defendant’s wife had thought he had enjoyed a night out in Derby but when he arrived home he said he had been attacked by taxi drivers at Burton-upon-Trent and he later received a text from a woman.

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His wife challenged him over the details and poured a bottle of water on him, according to Mr Chapman, and she pushed him down and told him to leave before threatening to cut his clothes with scissors.

Mr Chapman added that Haines took his wife by the hair and dragged her around the room and put her to the floor before she got up.

Mrs Haines then picked up her baby, according to Mr Chapman, and went onto the landing where the defendant took hold of her hair again.

Haines admitted to police he had grabbed his wife’s hair because he could not afford to replace his clothes and had pulled his wife to the floor and let go as she released the scissors.

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He also admitted grabbing his wife by her hair again and pulling her to the floor when she had been holding the baby and was pregnant at the time.

Haines, of Butterfield Lane, Brackenfield, Alfreton, pleaded guilty to the assault after the incident on July 9.

Defence solicitor John Wilford said his client stated he had been acting in self-defence until he was on the landing.

Magistrates sentenced Haines to a 12 month community order with a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and 180 hours of unpaid work.

He was also ordered to pay an £85 victim surcharge.

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