Derbyshire man celebrates 20th birthday on the first global palindrome day in 909 years

Deborah Downes and son Bradley Downs.Deborah Downes and son Bradley Downs.
Deborah Downes and son Bradley Downs.
He was born at 2.20pm on 02/02/2000 and placed in hospital bed number two, on ward two.

Bradley Downes was one of many honouring the satisfying date this month – which reads the same way back to front - but for more special reason as he was born on that date 20 years ago.

The trainee technician was born at exactly 2.20pm in Chesterfield Royal Hospital, after his mother requested doctors delay delievering him to maintain the special number symmetry.

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Deborah Downes, 47, of Barlborough, said: "It has always felt really special. I remember when we were in the hospital and we counted down to exactly 20 past two and then he was born.

"We have always used his birth date as our lottery numbers and for his birthday we got him a personalised registration plate with his initials and 02.”

The receptionist was even placed in bed number two on ward two after she gave birth to her 9lb son.

Bradley marked his special day, which isn't likely to fall on a global palindrome again during his lifetime, by spending time with his family and friends.

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"On his birthday, he said he'd actually forgotten about the significance of the date until loads of people had messaged him because it's so easy to forget the signficance until you actually see it written down,” Deborah added.

"He thinks it's really special because it doesn't happen very often."

Despite being born well before his due date via a cesarean, the 20 year old is now 6ft 3 and working to become a fully qualified fibre optic technician in Bolton.

Deborah was expecting Bradley to be born on Febuary 20, 2000 which would have prevented his birthday from falling on one of the rarest dates in nearly a thousand years.

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"I was reminding my husband, Shane of our journey to the hospital with Bradley and it doesn't seem two minutes ago.

"The fact it was a palindrome just reminded everyone of how special it was.

"Bradley loved the attention and it brought back some really nice memories of the rush to the hospital all those years ago.”