Push the Boat out with free taster sessions across Derbyshire and Peaks

Errwood Sailing club.Errwood Sailing club.
Errwood Sailing club.
A raft of watersport centres and sailing clubs across Derbyshire and the Peaks are offering free taster sessions next month.

No fewer than nine locations will be offering locals free and low cost opportunities to get out on the water and to try a new sport.

This year’s event runs between May 9-17 as part of national RYA Push The Boat Out 2015.

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RYA Push the Boat Out is a nationwide festival of sailing and windsurfing introducing newcomers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to the sports.

This year, for the first time ever, Push The Boat Out will run over nine days.

It will incorporate two weekends and five weekdays - to give people even more chance to have a go.

Last year 260 clubs and centres in Britain hosted Push the Boat Out events with 17,000 people trying sailing or windsurfing for the first time over one weekend.

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Errwood SC, near Buxton, was one of the big national success stories with an unprecedented 143 first-timers enjoying a taster sail.

Each Open Day and taster session will be different depending on what activities each club or centre offers, but all Push The Boat Out events are geared to appeal to the widest possible range of people, showcasing what the sports are really all about.

From the freedom of being on the water to the social buzz of club life, and highlighting just how accessible sailing actually is to everyone.

Nine Derbyshire clubs and centres already signed up to Push The Boat Out in May. They are:

• Burton SC

• Carsington SC

• Carsington Sports and Leisure

• Carsington Sailability

• Combs SC

• Errwood SC

• Staunton Harold SC

• Toddbrook SC

• Trent Windsurfing Club at Long Eaton

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Some 27 clubs and centres across the East Midlands have signed up in total.

All you need for any of the Open Days or ‘have a go’ sessions are a warm clothes, soft soled shoes and a waterproof and the clubs/centres will provide what else you need.

Booking is essential for some of the activities.

Refreshments will be available and a friendly smile guaranteed as BBQs and other social activities also take place to give newcomers a warm welcome.

In 2014, the nation’s sailing clubs gained more than 1,000 personal memberships through Push The Boat Out with more than 500 families also becoming members of the clubs they visited.

For full details on RYA Push The Boat Out 2015 and what’s going on in your area visit the website at www.rya.org.uk/go/ptbo.