Railway Inn take advantage in Alfreton Mid-Derbyshire Darts and Dominoes to lead the way

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The teams returned to League action in the Alfreton Mid-Derbyshire Darts & Dominoes last week, following a month off due to Christmas and Cup Competitions.

Railway Inn took advantage when Beehiveā€™s match against Sherwood Club was postponed due to weather conditions.

They won 5-2 and are in first place with 87 points in the darts section. Beehive are in second place with 80 points, but have played a game less.

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Carnfield Club remain in third place, despite loosing 4-2 this week, with 67 points. Jacksdale Social Club lead the chasing pack in fourth place with 51 points.

Crown Inn are in first place with 61 points following their 4-1 win this week in the dominoes section.

Old English Gent are in second place with 56 points after a 3-2 win this week.

Railway Inn remain in third place despite losing 3-2 this week.

Jacksdale Social Club lead the chasing pack in fourth place with 43 points, despite a 3-2 loss this week.

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